Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reducing the Chances of Data Loss

It is always better to avoid the way where chances of facing troubles are maximum. Most troublesum situation for techies of today is when they face data loss. Worst part of it is that they are  not cent percent sucessful in avoiding such loss till today. Data loss is one of many frquent problems irrespective to operating system they are using. A survey says the most common reason of data loss is human mistakes however some other reasons behind are virus or malware attack, hard drive failure. Mac OS tried best to handle such situation but still cannot do anything for human mistakes so the problem of data loss is still a big problem!! try to avoid it and here are  some cool & efficient tips to avoid data loss.

Organized Storage
The cases are seen where users delete the file thinking of no use but they realise its importance when  in need. To avoid this:

• Classify & organize your folders on the basis of the data you handle.
• Specify appropriate & unique names to the files 
• When editing or creating new files store it in separate folder and copy to specific folder once you finalized 

Move to Trash 
Reputation of Trash is to contain the files if deleted anywhere from Mac. Trash has limited storage capacity and if tried to store more and more files in trash all the files after that capacity will be lost. So it is not good idea to use trash as a folder to store those files may use later.   It may happen most of the case when we see trash has been filled we just “right click” and “empty trash”, its a human habit so hard to get rid of it. 

Backup to External Media
 While creating backup to external drive, if Mac shut down accidentally or connection wire disconnected or there could be many other reasons which are enough for data loss.  So it is always advisable to take proper backup before moving files to external media. Mac provides time machine to handle the situation you can set backup time with every boot.  So that if Mac crashes down accidentally at least one copy of data will present in backup drive. 

Manage Backup
Manage all the backup in such a manner that you can remember, making achieve folder for the files of older month backup is also a good idea.  Make sure that data is coming to backup store regularly. Whether the software you choose is working fine?