Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fixing Damaged or non startup volume in mac

Mac OS X enables us to divide our hard disk into certain volumes, for efficient management of our important data. For proper functioning. A system must contain at least one startup volume. The other volumes can be a non-startup volume containing our data. Startup volume contains OS, which is used to boot the system. Non-startup volumes are critical for the user from data point of view.

In case something goes wrong with non-startup volumes, all our data become inaccessible. This behavior leads to significant data loss and Mac file recovery becomes need of hour, and that becomes more important if we don't have updated backup with us.

When your Mac OS X hard disk gets damaged or it comes across any sort of fatal error, you can try resolving them using Disk Utility feature. It is an inbuilt utility inside Mac OS X, which checks integrity and consistency of damaged hard disk. It also corrects minor file system errors. However, this utility sometimes fails to work on non-startup or unmountable Mac OS X hard disk volumes.

When you try to verify or repair a non-startup and unmountable Mac OS X hard disk volume using Disk Utility application, the repair process aborts. At the same time, you may come across the below error message:

. “Repairing disk failed with error. Could not unmount disk.”

After the above error message, when we check the Console of Disk Utility, we see the below entries:

..  “Verify and Repair disk “Storage”

..  The disk “Storage” could not be unmounted

..  Could not unmount disk for verification

..  Repairing disk failed with error. Could not unmount disk”

In some situations, our Mac machine may freeze for a few minutes after this behavior.

If it becomes difficult to determine which files or directories are open on our hard drive that we need to repair or verify, reboot your system and then mount our hard drive again.

To fix data loss from the damaged unmountable volume,
File Recovery Mac solutions are to be looked into.  Mac file recovery is best possible using advanced and powerful third-party applications.